What an honor to appear on the report page of the 154th issue of Tatouage Magazine. Brief recap of our time at Hellfest!
"After two weekends last year, with the Metallica concert as the highlight, the Hellfest returned for an enchanted four-day break. A vacation for all the participants, arriving with their varied outfits still drawing on black, not an ideal color for confronting the dodger. It's not too hot this year, the party promises to be grandiose. It begins upon arrival at the site on Thursday with a Hellsquare packed with people, a godsend for the Parisian Chicanos of Locomuerte who struggle like hell on the Hellstage (are we in hell or what?), a muy spicy appetizer for festival-goers who are there for the first time. For them, it's diving in the deep end as soon as you pass under the gigantic amplifiers at the entrance. Full of leaves and full of peepers."